Exploring the Impact of Leadership Style and Organizational Culture on Turnover Intention in the Semarang City Public Service Sector through Structural Equation Model Analysis – AJHSSR

Exploring the Impact of Leadership Style and Organizational Culture on Turnover Intention in the Semarang City Public Service Sector through Structural Equation Model Analysis

Exploring the Impact of Leadership Style and Organizational Culture on Turnover Intention in the Semarang City Public Service Sector through Structural Equation Model Analysis

ABSTRACT : This study aims to explore the impact of leadership style and organizational culture on Turnover Intention in public services in Semarang City, using Structural Equation Model (SEM) Analysis. Data was collected from 100 respondents working in the Semarang City public service sector through questionnaires distributed online. SEM analysis is used to examine the relationship between variables of leadership style, organizational culture, and turnover intention, as well as identify possible effect pathways between these variables. The results of the analysis showed that leadership style had a significant influence on turnover intention. Organizational culture was found to have a significant influence, where cultures that support stability, hierarchy, and security tend to reduce the intention to move employees. In conclusion, this study confirms the importance of leadership style and organizational culture in influencing turnover intention in Semarang City government agencies. The results of this study can be the basis for the development of human resource management strategies that are more effective in retaining employees and improving the performance of government organizations. The practical implications of this research were also discussed to assist managers and stakeholders in improving employee retention and service quality in the Semarang City public service sector.

KEYWORDS :Leadership Style, Organizational Culture, Turnover Intention