The Influence of Work Culture, Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction on Performance – AJHSSR

The Influence of Work Culture, Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction on Performance

The Influence of Work Culture, Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction on Performance

ABSTRACT :Human resources are a very important factor in an organization because human resources are a collection of a group of people who work together to achieve organizational goals. The aim of this research is to determine and analyze the influence of work culture, work motivation and job satisfaction on employee performance. This research is a type of explanatory quantitative research. The population of this study were employees of the Regional Apparatus Organization administering maritime and fisheries affairs in the former Besuki Residency Regency, totaling 100 ASN. Sampling was carried out using the census method (saturated sample). Data analysis in this research is descriptive analysis, testing measuring instruments (validity and reliability). The research results show that work culture and work motivation have a significant effect on performance. Job satisfaction has a significant effect on the performance of employees of the Regional Apparatus Organization administering maritime and fisheries affairs in the former Besuki Residency Regency.

KEYWORDS: work culture, work motivation, job satisfaction, employee performance