Three Dimensional Body-Mind-Spirit Worlds in Human Society, and Extensive Quantum Theory in Theology – AJHSSR

Three Dimensional Body-Mind-Spirit Worlds in Human Society, and Extensive Quantum Theory in Theology

Three Dimensional Body-Mind-Spirit Worlds in Human Society, and Extensive Quantum Theory in Theology

ABSTRACT: First, based on the investigations over 40 years of parapsychology and many phenomena, wepropose three dimensional body-mind-spirit worlds on human society. Some observed results imply “ghosts” areprobably the existences of some biological or non-biological objects. Any observations and detections on mindand spirit worlds and on relations between both and matter are all valuable. Next, combining the extensivequantum theory in parapsychology and theology any living things with life and death are all discrete andquantization. Third, we propose seven mathematical physical models on “soul”, in which according to thequantum tunnel effect, soul reincarnate has a probability; according to the quantum entanglement and quantumteleportation, the resurrection of Jesus may be demonstrated and described. Fourth, for some results on thepotential of blind children we research a possible test. From this we can build a bridge among modern scienceand medicine, parapsychology, religion and various traditional cultures.

KEYWORDS: religion, theology, parapsychology, three dimensional world, body-mind-spirit, quantum theory.