ABSTRACT: Stunting is a child’s growth problem that will affect their life into adulthood. In Indonesia, thiscase is handled with health communication efforts involving health agent. Based on this phenomenon, thisresearch aims to describe the reproduction of bio-power by health agents and authorities (apparatuses of power)carried out by health cadres as preventive health care agents in the health communication system, especiallydistributing knowledge about stunting prevention to local communities. The research approach is a qualitativeapproach with descriptive research type. The research method used is discourse analysis in accordance withFoucault’s concept. The research results show that the process of bio-power reproduction is carried out by healthworkers, as part of local community members. Health cadres are not health workers, but most are housewiveswho are an extension of the regional government in health communication. The process of reproducing bio-powerby health cadres begins with the production of bio-power through bio-politics by the government. The results ofthe reproduction of bio-power can be seen from a common understanding of stunting, its causes and how to preventit, as well as changes in the behavior of the target subjects. Obstacles to the reproduction of bio-power arise fromwithin the target subject, such as wrong thinking, reluctance to interact, and personal discomfort, as well as fromoutside, such as information that is incompatible with new media.
KEY WORDS: health cadres, health communication, bio-power, agents, stunting.