Ontological-Epistemological Debate: Human Truth versus Digital Truth – AJHSSR

Ontological-Epistemological Debate: Human Truth versus Digital Truth

Ontological-Epistemological Debate: Human Truth versus Digital Truth

ABSTRACT :We do not intend to deal with this topic exhaustively, because it is broad and complex for the space of a text, and we do not even know if we can deal with it without incurring in generalities. Our intentions, which are much more modest, refer to documentary research for the understanding and development of the theme of Human Truth versus Digital Truth, in the era of Globalization.The concept of truth was and is undoubtedly one of the great themes of philosophy that was the object of study of great thinkers, such as Plato, (428 – 427, C.) and René Descartes, (1596 – 1650). For Plato, the world was an imperfect reflection of a supersensible world: “the world of ideas”, in which truth was an ideal, to be achieved, along with beauty and social and economic well-being. In the seventeenth century, the French thinker René Descartes broke with the Western tradition by introducing “hyperbolic doubt”: using doubt as a method to arrive at the truth. After some reflection, he arrived at the argument of the “cogito ergo sum”, which translated into Portuguese means, “I think, therefore I am”. The Digital Society poses great challenges to the World (Global) Human Society, among others, the debate on Truth, in the Digital Society, because the human being is part of a whole, which we call the universe, in time and space. About the term truth there are several philosophical theories.Truth is a concept that has always been much discussed in philosophy. Since Socrates, (470 B.C. – 399 B.C.), philosophers have questioned what truth is, and how it can be defended. For some, truth is something absolute, while others believe it is relative. It is important to understand what truth is in order to better understand the digital world in which we live. Truth is something that gives us security and helps us make conscious decisions. That is why philosophers began to study the concept of truth, and how it relates to other phenomena, such as freedom, rationality and truthfulness.

KEYWORDS: Truth, true, veracity, rationality, lying, knowing, Digital Society.