Negotiations of university students with specific learning disabilities with the persons in the academical community. – AJHSSR

Negotiations of university students with specific learning disabilities with the persons in the academical community.

Negotiations of university students with specific learning disabilities with the persons in the academical community.

ABSTRACT : The abstract focused on the investigation of negotiations of university students with autismand specific learning disabilities, the organization of individual study, calculation times in concentration ofattention and the discrimination of memory reading abilities. It aims to examine those metacognitive skills thatfacilitate both the individual method of studying courses and negotiating the specifics emphasize in the ways ofpersonal learning from the lectures and laboratories. Recently, the teaching of metacognitive skills is proveanother specialized education which it is developed in the field of tertiary special education. Data werecollected from two studies of university students with autism, during the period [October 2019 – April 2024], attwo universities, with individual sessions with certain special education and training [SET] protocols. In thesecases, we are investigated if and how the pedagogical guidance contributes to the development of skills ofawareness of the individual method of study, learning and problem-solving strategies.The results confirmed thespecific learning difficulties of university students with autism in negotiating with the persons of the universitycommunity. Finally, the implementations of strategies in the educational process demonstrate the importance ofmetacognition for the progress of students and the development of logical thinking.

KEYWORDS – autism, metacognition, skills, negotiations,university students