ABSTRACT : Digital literacy in early childhood goes beyond simply knowing how to use a tablet or watch videos online. It’s about fostering a set of skills that help children understand and interact safely with digital environments. Hence Digital literacy is a way of using modern and more advanced method in providing of education to the learners via use technological devices. The Kenya Government like other Governments is keen to reap from the benefits of technology. To harness this effectively, there is need for an effective and efficient way tomanage digital literacy programs in ECD centres. This stud investigated the effects of Digital Literacy Program (DLP) in ECDE centres in Kanduyi Municipality, Bungoma County. The study focused on three (3) tenets of the program: Infrastructure/Facilities; Choice of Digital Devices and Business Continuity Plans (BCP). Purposive sampling, targeted only respondents involved in, with knowledge of or affected by theDigital Literacy Program in the target area will be used. The respondents included teachers andheadteachers. Piloting was done to ascertain validity and reliability of the tools. Secondary data was collected from relevant literature, government policy documents and publications. Primary datawas obtainedthrough focusedinterviews andstructured questionnaires. The study concludes that digital literacy program played a major role in time management, improved literacy and communication skills among preschoolers and made it easier to obtain relevant and important information. The study recommended the following; teachers need to have competence in digital literacy programmes and tools to build competency and mastery of skills and digital programmes, increase in the infrastructure at all learning levels with this it will ensure that teachers knowledge and attitude advance in digital literacy in classroom and Further research recommendations in order to be effective in policy making.
KEY WORDS: DIGITAL literacy, Early childhood Education, Early Childhood Education Centre, Effect of digital literacy