ABSTRACT :The studyinvestigated the impact of East African Community (EAC) practices on the economicwelfare of the people in Juba, South Sudan. The objective was to assess how the commonmarketaffected the economicwelfare of Juba’sresidents. A cross-sectional research design wasused. The studyfound a verystrong positive correlation (correlation coefficient of 0.978) with a significancelevel of 0.01 (two-tailed) between the commonmarket and economicwelfare. This high correlationindicates a significantlinkbetween the performance of the commonmarket and the economicwell-being of the local population. The studyconcludedthat the EAC’scommonmarketsignificantlyimproved the economicwelfare of South Sudanese in Juba, facilitated by the free movement of goods, services, and capital, whichenhancedregionaleconomicactivity and connectivity. The studyrecommendedimplementingcomprehensiveawarenesscampaigns to inform the South Sudanese, especiallythose in Juba, about the benefits of the commonmarket, usingvarious communication methods like media, community forums, and educational programs to spread this information.
KEYWORDS:East African Community, Common Market, Citizen’s Economic Welfare, Juba, South Sudan