Self-Efficacy and Use of E-learning: A Theoretical Review Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) – AJHSSR

Self-Efficacy and Use of E-learning: A Theoretical Review Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

Self-Efficacy and Use of E-learning: A Theoretical Review Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

ABSTRACT:The purpose of this study is to obtain empirical evidence related to the actual usage of the use of
e-learning with self-efficacy as a mediation variable at Airlangga University Surabaya. The data used from this
research are 135 questionnaires distributed to students of UniversitasAirlangga Surabaya. Data analysis
techniques use PLS Warp program. The results of this study indicate that perceived usefulness has no significant
positive relationship to actual usage. Meanwhile percieved usefulness has a significant positive effect on selfefficacy and actual usage mediated by self-efficacy. Percieved ease of use has a significant positive effect on
actual usage and self-efficacy and when actual usage is mediated by self-efficacy. Self-efficacy has a significant
positive effect on actual usage. Data from the questionnaire results may provide biased results. With the same
kind of research, further research can add another variable.
Keywords –Actual Usage, Perceived Ease of Use,Perceived Usefulness, Self-Efficacy, Technology Acceptance
Model (TAM)