The Social Realities of the Linambay Play, Raka-ib – AJHSSR

The Social Realities of the Linambay Play, Raka-ib

The Social Realities of the Linambay Play, Raka-ib

ABSTRACT: This study investigates the social realities signified in the written linambay play, Raka-ib by Constancio Gantuangco through its characters, time-place setting, plot structure, and theme. The data supporting this argument are descriptively analyzed using the theory of mimesis. The findings of the study reveal that the static characterization in the play demonstrates the unified social image and the fixed role of people in the community and in the social structure; the temporal and spacial settings of the play present the local realities of feudal community, progressive arts and culture, social order and disorder and leadership which are also true to the linambay tradition; the plot of the play reveals the realities of the stages of social development from the creation of its governance to the achievement of its harmony and balance; and illustrates the themes of social responsibilities, conformity, human nature, love and women‟s right and freedom. In conclusion, the written linambay play Raka-ib by Constancio Gantuangco of Carcar signifies social realities.