The Philosophical Arena of Happiness – AJHSSR

The Philosophical Arena of Happiness

The Philosophical Arena of Happiness

The ultimate aim of any philosophy or religion is supposed to be towards the welfare of the society showing a genuine concern for humanity as a whole. However one has to accept the fact that unfortunately some of the philosophies have nurtured themselves in such a way that they have emerged merely in an academic fashion exhibiting the scholarship of the propounder and further utilizing the language in a verbose style. Similarly most of the religions have also engrossed themselves in the rituals in an untiring manner which have taken foremost position and toll, surpassing the real Spiritual aspect along with Philosophy. It is sad that so many centuries have rolled down and still we are groping in darkness with same basic problems while as a contrast, Science with empirical proofs has shown in all its branches notable progress. In fact all living beings strive for comfort and further exert to crystallize the same into happiness and expect tranquility thereof. In fact happiness has many areas to encompass. Right from personal to social, individually psychological to the societal and then national to global everyone in some way or the other is automatically either influenced or enmeshed irreversibly. Therefore it cannot always remain a private affair. Even then much impetus is continuously laid down on one‟s own life and subsequently the happenings with a strong desire to have them always under own custody. As Socrates had said that an unexamined life is not worth living, we can conclude that only intelligent people can be happy because they can prioritize the living behavioral sciences to suit their circumstances. An unchecked flow of sentimentality would mean getting stuck up emotionally and expecting results as per one‟s own wistful thinking! Therefore, it is the practical wisdom or street smartness which is required to deal with the mundane affairs. Happiness is a necessary constituent of life for all irrespective of Caste, Creed and Religion that one follows.