Error Analysis on English Dictions in Students’ Scientific Work Using Indonesian from Various Tribes in the City Of Madiun – AJHSSR

Error Analysis on English Dictions in Students’ Scientific Work Using Indonesian from Various Tribes in the City Of Madiun

Error Analysis on English Dictions in Students’ Scientific Work Using Indonesian from Various Tribes in the City Of Madiun

ABSTRACT: The purpose of writing this article is to figure out the effect of English diction (choice of words) on Students’Scientific Work of Indonesian, which causes errors, especially on student assignment papers in Madiun City. Mixing the language in a sentence, a side from causing confusion of meaning, also can make readers difficult to understand the meaning of the sentence, especially for readers who are not mastering English well. This research uses descriptive qualitative research through observation and field note techniques as data collection techniques. The data are documents (in the form of papers). Data analysis techniques used in this study is sharing methods or distribution methods with advanced techniques in the form of expansion (expansion) techniques and changing forms. The conclusion of this research due to the effect of English diction (choice of words) on the Students’Scientific Work of Indonesian from various Tribes in Madiun City causes errors as follow: (1) uptake element’s errors, (2) blurring of meaning because of diction selection’s errors affected by english, (3) misperceptions of rigidity errors, and (4) misuse of english terms.
KEYWORDS: Dictions, Scientific Work, Madiun City