The Reflection of Past Way of Life in Sumur Gentong Jalatunda Folklore as the Implementation of Local Wisdom of Kudus Society – AJHSSR

The Reflection of Past Way of Life in Sumur Gentong Jalatunda Folklore as the Implementation of Local Wisdom of Kudus Society

The Reflection of Past Way of Life in Sumur Gentong Jalatunda Folklore as the Implementation of Local Wisdom of Kudus Society

ABSTRACT:Folklore is a culture that inherited from generation to another generation. The existence of local wisdom can make people cultured, and socialize in social life. This research focused on reflectionof past way life in Sumur Gentong Jalatundafolklore as the implementation of local wisdom of Kudus society. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with data sources from interviews through several informants. The research approach used ethnography. Data analysis was done by reducing data, then presenting the data that has been reduced and drawing conclusions. The results of the study found that folklore can be implemented with the local wisdom of the Kudus community and as the difference between the lives in the past and present peoples. The history of past community life is used as learning and applying good values in community life. The benefits of SumurGentongJalatunda story make the surrounding people conserve and maintain SumurGentongJalatunda.
KEYWORDS: folklore, local wisdom, literature,past society, historical heritage.