The Effect of Advertising and Celebrity Endorsement on Purchase Intention with Brand Awareness as Intervening Variable – AJHSSR

The Effect of Advertising and Celebrity Endorsement on Purchase Intention with Brand Awareness as Intervening Variable

The Effect of Advertising and Celebrity Endorsement on Purchase Intention with Brand Awareness as Intervening Variable

ABSTRACT: Purchase intention is the intention of the customers to purchase a product of a certain brand in the future. To increase purchase intention, a company can advertising their product and use celebrity endorsement, and those also can use to increase the brand awareness. The aim of this study is to determine the influence of advertising and celebrity endorsement on purchase intention and also to know the influence of brand awareness as the intervening variable. This research’s object is Vivo V15 in Denpasar City. The number of samples taken was 150 respondents, using purposive sampling methods. Questionnaires was conducted to collect the data, measured by 15 indicators and using Likert’s scale. The study used Partial Least Square as the analytical technique. The result of this research is each of advertising, celebrity endorsement, and brand awareness has a positive and significant impact on purchase intention. The result also shown that brand awareness can mediating the relationship between the effects of advertising and celebrity endorsement on purchase intention. From the result, the management of Vivo V15 have to pay more attention on the factors that influence purchase intention other than advertising, celebrity endorsement, and brand awareness.
Keywords: Advertising, Brand Awareness, Celebrity Endorsement, Purchase Intention.