Interjections in Toba Bataknese Torsa-Torsa Hombung Book – AJHSSR

Interjections in Toba Bataknese Torsa-Torsa Hombung Book

Interjections in Toba Bataknese Torsa-Torsa Hombung Book

ABSTRACT: Interjection is a unique linguistic device because it is often marginalized when it sometimes causes ambiguity. Ambiguity can occur since the meaning is very dependent on the context and position of a single interjection in a conversation or discourse. Several interjections are found in the book “Torsa-Torsa Hombung”, 11 forms of interjections and 11 types of interjections are found there. They occur in various forms of written conversation that are presented in the book. Some, but not all of them are ambiguous forms or difficult to understand by non-native speakers.
KEYWORDS: Interjection, Torsa-Torsa Hombung book, Toba Bataknese language