Existence of Opposition Parties in A Democracy: Indispensable or Futile? – AJHSSR

Existence of Opposition Parties in A Democracy: Indispensable or Futile?

Existence of Opposition Parties in A Democracy: Indispensable or Futile?

ABSTRACT: The paper takes a cursory look at meaning, origin, roles, importance, merits and demerits of opposition party(ies) in a saner clime (i.e. ideal/developed democratic settings). In carrying out the study, the researchers employed both primary and secondary sources as well as historical and scientific methods of data collection. In the course of the work the researchers considers at both sides of the existence of opposition parties if its existence is useful or futile? Finally recommendations were made to political gladiators most especially in the developing or underdeveloped states more importantly those at the opposition sides to borrow leafs from the ways the oppositions does in a saner clime.
KEY-WORDS: Opposition, Democracy, electioneering, Appointees, pseudo-dictatorship.