Mediating Role Customer Satisfaction Brand Image Effect on Repurchase Intention (A Case Study on Consumer Talib M.Aboe Shop in Tabanan City) – AJHSSR

Mediating Role Customer Satisfaction Brand Image Effect on Repurchase Intention (A Case Study on Consumer Talib M.Aboe Shop in Tabanan City)

Mediating Role Customer Satisfaction Brand Image Effect on Repurchase Intention (A Case Study on Consumer Talib M.Aboe Shop in Tabanan City)

ABSTRACT: The purpose of thisstudywas to Determine the effect of brand image on consumer satisfaction, to Determine the effect of brand image and customer satisfaction on repurchase intention and Determine the role of customer satisfaction in mediating the effect of brand image on repurchase intention on M.AboeTalib’stavern products in Tabanan City. The population in this study is M.AboeTalib’stavern consumer in Tabanan. This study uses 100 respondents the whichis the product of 10 indicatorsMultiplied by 10, thewhichmeanstheymeet the criteria. The technique of data analysis use dispathanalysis. The analysis shows thatbrand image has a positive and significanteffect on customer satisfaction; Brand image has a positive andsignificanteffect on repurchase intention; Consumer satisfaction has a positive and significanteffect onrepurchase intention. Consumer satisfaction is Able to mediate the influence of brand image on repurchaseintention.Keywords: brand image, customer satisfaction, repurchase intention