Analyzing Sports Activities as Part of the Household Economy – AJHSSR

Analyzing Sports Activities as Part of the Household Economy

Analyzing Sports Activities as Part of the Household Economy

ABSTRACT : Sports activities, by their importance with regard to the physical condition and health of the individual as well as part of the culture, are an integral part of the family program. This way, sports activities means expenses and are a part of the household economy. Household economy should cover a huge amount of various expenses to keep the household running, so spending devoted to the sports activities are planned carefully. As a sports activity we can imagine a range of activities from visiting the sports event as a fan of some particular sports game, through some physical training to professional sport. Every level relates to a specific amount of money to cover the costs of those sports activities. The article is based on the scientific research using the statistical methods. The monthly family income amount was divided into the intervals according to the Sturges rule. In the following construction of the probability density curve used the multitudes of the values in the interval. Determining correlation between the monthly family income [Euro] and monthly family costs devoted to the sports activities [Euro], using Pearson’s correlation coefficient proved that monthly family income does not correlate with costs devoted to the sports activities.
KEYWORDS : Sports activities, family income, household economies, correlation, expenses