PUBLIC RELATIONS STRATEGY IN RESPONDING TO HOAX (Case Study of Public Relations Strategy of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology in Responding to the Islamic Defenders Front Hoax Photo (FPI) in 2018 Online Media) – AJHSSR

PUBLIC RELATIONS STRATEGY IN RESPONDING TO HOAX (Case Study of Public Relations Strategy of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology in Responding to the Islamic Defenders Front Hoax Photo (FPI) in 2018 Online Media)

PUBLIC RELATIONS STRATEGY IN RESPONDING TO HOAX (Case Study of Public Relations Strategy of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology in Responding to the Islamic Defenders Front Hoax Photo (FPI) in 2018 Online Media)

ABSTRACT: The spread of hoax lately is increasingly unstoppable, along with the rapid growth of informationand communication technology. Almost all aspects of life have sprung up hoaxes. Communication andinformation public relations must take action to resolve the issue. This study analyzes how communication andinformation public relations strategies in responding to the FPI photo hoax on Social Media in 2018 using thecase study method. The results showed that in responding to the FPI photo hoax in 2018, public relationscommunication and information had made a preventive effort long before in the form of action and proactivecommunication. When the photo hoax appeared, public relations communication and information adopted areactive strategy to respond to the turmoil in the midst of the public through statements of attitude andinformation dissemination on an ongoing basis. In carrying out the hoax response strategy, public relationscommunication and information rely more on online media communication than conventional and direct massmedia (face to face).

Keywords: hoax; social media; proactive; reactive