ABSTRACT : This study aims to analyze the effect of climate organization on turnover intention, analyze theeffect of climate organization on job satisfaction, analyze the effect of job satisfaction on turnover intention andanalyze the effect of job satisfaction mediating climate organization on turnover intention. This research isconducted at Cening Bagus Oleh-Oleh Khas Bali Gianyar. The population of this study are all employees at TheCening Bagus Oleh-Oleh Khas Bali Gianyar, amounting to 97 employees. The sample of this study amounted tothe same population as many as 97 employees. The method of determining the selected sample is a saturatedsampling technique. The results of the study prove that climate organization influences turnover intention andjob satisfaction mediates the effect of climate organization on turnover intention.
Keywords – Climate organization, Job Satisfaction, Turnover Intention