Indonesia’s Automotive Industry Competitiveness In The Global Market – AJHSSR

Indonesia’s Automotive Industry Competitiveness In The Global Market

Indonesia’s Automotive Industry Competitiveness In The Global Market

ABSTRACT : The automotive industry sector from year to year experienced a growing technologicaldevelopment. With increasing volume of vehicles provide business opportunities in the field of production ofspare parts or spare parts and Also provide business opportunities in the field of automotive commodityproduction. This research aims to find out more about Indonesia’s automotive industry the opportunity to enterthe global market. The calculation techniques used are RCA and RSCA, ISP and IIT Index. Based on the resultsof the calculation, with RCA and RSCA acquired Indonesia has a weak competitiveness or has nocompetitiveness. With the calculations of ISP, Indonesia tends to be an export from 2014 to 2018, and IIT Indexshows the two-way trade of the Indonesian automotive industry from 2010 to 2018 shows roommates tradelightweight integration. Indonesia was able to enter the Global Value Chain from 2014 to 2018.

Keywords: Automotive, international trade, competitiveness, specialization, global value chain.