The Effectof Visitof Tourist, Hotel Occupancy Rate, and US Dollar Exchange Rateson The Valueof Beef Imports – AJHSSR

The Effectof Visitof Tourist, Hotel Occupancy Rate, and US Dollar Exchange Rateson The Valueof Beef Imports

The Effectof Visitof Tourist, Hotel Occupancy Rate, and US Dollar Exchange Rateson The Valueof Beef Imports

ABSTRACT : Beef is one type of commodity that is commonly imported in Bali. The development of thetourism industry, hotel and restaurant business in Bali causes the amount of imported beef is increasinglyneeded. Beef is usually the most imported from Australia and New Zealand. The object of this study is theinfluence of tourist visit , hotel occupancy rates, US dollar exchange rates on the value of beef imports in Bali .This study uses secondary data from 2004 to 2018. This research uses multiple linear regression analysismethods and is processed using the Eviews program. The results showed that simultaneous tourist visits, hoteloccupancy rates, and the US dollar exchange rate significantly influence the value of beef imports in theprovince of Bali. Partially, the number of tourist visits has a positive and significant effect on the value of beefimports in Bali, hotel occupancy rates and the US dollar exchange rate have no significant effect on the value ofbeef imports in the Bali.

Keywords -: Tourist Visits, Hotel Occupancy Rates, Exchange Rates, ImportsJEL Classification : Z32,Z30,F13,F10