Work Satisfaction Mediates Perceived Organizational Support On Organizational Commitments – AJHSSR

Work Satisfaction Mediates Perceived Organizational Support On Organizational Commitments

Work Satisfaction Mediates Perceived Organizational Support On Organizational Commitments

ABSTRACT : The purpose of this study is to determine the role of job satisfaction in mediating the effect ofperceived organizational support on organizational commitment on KrisnaOleh-OlehKhas Bali I employees. 60samples is determined through a saturated sampling technique and analyzed by path analysis. Data collectedthrough interviews and questionnaires. The results of this study indicate that perceived organizational supporthas a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Job satisfaction has apositive and significant effect on organizational commitment. Job satisfaction positively and significantlymediates the effect of perceived organizational support on organizational commitment on employees. Theimplication of this research is the high level of job satisfaction felt by employees will increase employee

Keywords -Perceived Organizational Support, Job Satisfaction, Commitment Organizational through theinfluence of perceived organizational support