ABSTRACT: Entrepreneurship has become an important focus of attention for all countries in the worldincluding Indonesia. Even the number of entrepreneurs in a country can be used as a measure of the country’seconomic progress (Valliere and Peterson, 2009). The number of Indonesian entrepreneurs currently hasreached 3.1% of the total 260 million people. However, this number is still below the percentage ofentrepreneurs in neighboring countries such as Malaysia, reaching 5%, China 10%, Singapore 7%, and Japan11% of the total population. Therefore, the Government of Indonesia needs to encourage its people to becomeentrepreneurs with quality, innovative and following technological developments. This study aims to determinethe effect of social networks and entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intentions. In addition, thisstudy also aims to examine the moderating role of perceived controlbehavior in strengthening the influence ofsocial networks and entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intentions. The analysis technique used isSEM analysis with SMARTPLS 3.0 software. The study population was 540 undergraduate students majoringin Management in semester VI of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Warmadewa University BaliIndonesia. The sample was chosen randomly with a sample size of 170 respondents. The results of this studyprovide evidence that social networks have a positive and significant effect on intentionsentrepreneurial.Entrepreneurship education has a positive and insignificant effect on entrepreneurial intentions. The results ofthis study indicate that the role of perceptual behavior control strengthens the relationship between socialnetworks and students’ entrepreneurial intentions. Furthermore, this study succeeded in proving that the role ofhigh perceptual behavior control when interacting with the increase in entrepreneurship education did notnecessarily increase students’ entrepreneurial intentions.
KEYWORDS: Social Networks, Entrepreneurship Education, Perceptions of Behavior Control,Entrepreneurial Intentions