ABSTRACT: This studyaims to determinefactorsaffectingyoungvoters (under 35 yearsold) decisions in the2019 Indonesianpresidentialelectionespecially in Java Island. Young voterscomprisedalmost 57.29% of the totalvoters in the List of Final Voterscompiled by Indonesia’s General Election Commission/KPU. This study usessecondary data whichcollectedthroughquestionnaire’ssurveyfrom 346 youngvotersin 6 provinces. The method ofanalysisusing Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis. According to the method of Partial Least Square(PLS), politicalproducts do not have a positive effect on voter decisions. Personnel and leadership have apositive effect on the voter decision, but emotionalrelationshipdoes not have a positive effect on the voterdecision. The mass media has a positive effect on the voter decision. In addition, reference group has a positiveeffect on the voter decision.
Keywords -young voters, voter decision, partial least square (PLS)