ABSTRACT : On the internet we can access anything like social media. Social media is very useful for life.Many media have now facilitated everyone to be able to express how they feel. In communication science we arefamiliar with Electronic Word of Mouth. Just as important as E-WOM, the image of a company must always beconsidered. The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is an influence of social media on a company’simage, is there an effect of E-WOM on a company’s image, and also its influence simultaneously. The theoryused is the Response Stimulus, supported by other communication concepts. The method used is quantitativeusing a positivistic paradigm and is associative in nature. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire witha Likert scale. The results in this study found the effect of Social Media and E-WOM on corporate imagetogether by 67,5%. Suggestions refer to the results of the study, it is expected that Krakatau Steel can maintainSocial Media and E-WOM that have been built so that the company’s image is maintained.
Keywords :Corporate, E-WOM, Image, Social Media.