ABSTRACT: The Pantomime is a postcolonial critique that is presented by Derek Walcott, who is labeled dueto his works as a post-colonialist. His written medium belongs to the standardized language domain, which isunder the strain in his own language culture and concepts under a public of the international Standard English.Walcott belongs to the Caribbean Postcolonial authors and critics who have begun to inquire about the Englishand European colonization and their narratives and to rewrite them based on a history of subversive activity.They have started to rewrite the fictions of the Empire that have been a part of their construction and oppressionthrough the centuries. Therefore, a new dimension of narrative has been established so as to fight back thecenter. Walcott’s play Pantomime represents the bitter residue of colonialism. The focus of this study is to shedmore light on the ongoing cultural exploitation of the former colonizer.
Key Words: Pantomime, Post-colonialism, Mimicry, Culture, Language.