Is the University Campus Gender Friendly?Explore the Status of Noakhali Science and Technology University – AJHSSR

Is the University Campus Gender Friendly?Explore the Status of Noakhali Science and Technology University

Is the University Campus Gender Friendly?Explore the Status of Noakhali Science and Technology University

ABSTRACT :This study employed to explore the current status of gender friendliness in Noakhali Scienceand Technology University (NSTU). A mixed explanatory research methodology is applied andmainly primarydata are collected through using survey questionnaires, interview and FGDschedule. In this study, it has foundthat two third of the participants feel that, NSTU campus is gender friendly. Some positive initiative has beentaken bythe authority of the university are separate washroom for male and female, arranging comfortablepsychotherapy support, growing positive attitude of the university stakeholders, active participation of male andfemale in cultural and co-curricular and political activities etc. Although there are numbers of improvementareas where university authority needs to pay their immediate attention to make their university more genderfriendly. These are unhygienic and unhealthy washroom, no common room for male, no child care center andawkward feelingsof the individuals to go to psychotherapists etc. To make the NSTU more gender friendly, 5recommendations are also made.

KEY WORDS: Educational Development., Gender Friendly; NSTU; Physical Environment; PsychosocialSupport.