Main Character Morality in the Novel Cermin Tak Pernah Berdusta by Mira W – AJHSSR

Main Character Morality in the Novel Cermin Tak Pernah Berdusta by Mira W

Main Character Morality in the Novel Cermin Tak Pernah Berdusta by Mira W

ABSTRACT : The purpose of this study is to describe and explain the morality of the main character in novelCermin Tak Pernah Berdusta by Mira W using qualitative research methods that focus on description. The data collectiontechnique uses the reading-note technique, which is reading the novel that will be studied and noting the parts that areconsidered to be research data. Novel Cermin Tak Pernah Berdusta by Mira W published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama, isused as a source of data in this study, which consists of 176 pages. The data of this research are in the form of quotationsthat show the morality of the main character in novel Cermin Tak Pernah Berdusta by Mira W, Triangulation method isused as validation of the data that has been found. The data analysis technique uses content analysis techniques in theform of reduction, presentation, and data collection. The results of this study indicate that the morality of the maincharacter contained in novel Cermin Tak Pernah Berdusta by Mira W is dominated by the morality of human relationswith oneself..

KEYWORDS : Morality, main character, and novel.