ABSTRACT: The Application of Land Management Tools (LMT) for Sustainable Land Development is capableof improving the environment of Property Investments and as such should be considered in PropertyDevelopment decision making. Currently, visual observation in certain coastal towns in Nigeria shows thatProperty development takes place on wetlands which are exposed to frequent flooding. This can be exacerbatedby poor land management practices. The study examined whether the noncompliance with, or absence of LandManagement Tools are responsible for the development of properties in flood prone lands. It examined instanceof incessant flooding of property investments along two high-brow property development neighbourhoods inPort Harcourt, Nigeria. The study was guided by the pragmatist philosophical stance, adopted a case studystrategy and data was collected using field observations and remote sensing to obtain data. Photographicimagery of property Developments located within the study area was analyzed along with field data. Thefindings reveal that Land Management Tools appear not to have been considered prior to the development ofproperties within the study area. This has negatively affected the Property Development through the pattern andfrequency of flooding. In addition, the prevalence of prime properties within the wetlands has also impaired theoriginal ecosystem function of the environment. The study recommends stricter compliance with LandManagement Tools which will ultimately lead to increased sustainability of property development investmentsand environmental protection.
Keywords: Land Management Tools, Sustainable development, Flooding, Environment and PropertyDevelopment.