ABSTRACT:Knowledge of the use of technology in teaching is better implemented so as to expand teachingand learning. The purpose of the study was to assess the effectiveness of the use of multimedia in teaching atthe tertiary level of the student in oral skills. Teaching is a big challenge in all fields at any time. In thisgeneration, the researcher believes that teaching methods and styles can be further enhanced with the help ofnew technologies in the field of multimedia equipment. A descriptive study in which the researcher gathereddata and partly discussed for Nunan 1998 guidelines that design of the development of instructional materials.This study ensured that 1) determine the student’s attitude towards the use of multimedia, 2) the student’s orallevel of skill, and 3) the relationship of attitude to the two groups to further develop the equipment in thegrammar lessons. Based on the analysis of the oral level of the two groups, it was found that both had nosignificant differences. Therefore, the effectiveness and use of traditional teaching methods with multimediateaching aids are more effective when combined in teaching. An integrative tool has been developed that willserve as a teacher guide to be effective in adapting to the interests and needs of the new generation.
Keywords – Multimedia tools, oral skills, attitude, college