ABSTRACT: The research objective was to explain the effect of luxury brands, brand image, and productquality on consumer purchase intentions of Zara products. This research was conducted on Zara Beachwalkproduct consumers who live in Denpasar City. The sample size was taken as many as 144 people withpurposive sampling method. Data were collected using a questionnaire that uses a 5-point Likert scale tomeasure 16 indicators. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results showedthat luxury brands, brand image, and product quality had a positive and significant effect on purchaseintention. This shows that the stronger the consumer’s perception of the influence of luxury brands, brandimage and product quality, will increase purchase intention at Zara. Companies are expected to pay attentionto the brands they have, whether they are in accordance with the desires of consumers or not. Consumerpurchase intention will increase if the product they want has a high brand perception. By implementing agood brand image, especially on Zara products that have a good reputation in the eyes of consumers, it willultimately be able to increase consumer purchase intentions. Purchase intention from consumers can becreated by way of companies providing the best quality products in order to provide satisfaction for theirconsumers.
Keywords: luxury brand, brand image, product quality, purchase intention