Police Public Relations Profession in the Digital Communication Era: A Phenomenological Study of the Adaptation of West Java Police Public Relations Personnel in the Era of Digital Communication – AJHSSR

Police Public Relations Profession in the Digital Communication Era: A Phenomenological Study of the Adaptation of West Java Police Public Relations Personnel in the Era of Digital Communication

Police Public Relations Profession in the Digital Communication Era: A Phenomenological Study of the Adaptation of West Java Police Public Relations Personnel in the Era of Digital Communication

ABSTRACT : This study aims to determine the adaptation process carried out by the West Java RegionalPolice Public Relations in the face of the digital communication era. Alfred Schultz’s Phenomenology Theoryand Social Construction of Technology from Pinch and Bijkers form the basis of this research reference. Thisresearch also uses qualitative methods with a phenomenological approach and constructivist paradigm. Thisresearch shows that the West Java Regional Police have no guidance in carrying out public communicationactivities in the digital era. The absence of these guidelines makes public relations personnel who have limitedabilities in the field of public relations carry out public communication activities based on their references andknowledge. PR personnel also make efforts to adapt to technological changes and improve their capabilities.They attended training from internal police and also from outside and read reference books related to publiccommunication. After this research, it is hoped that the West Java Regional Police will have guidance incarrying out communication activities in the digital era, including increasing human resource capabilities

Keywords – Adaption, Digital Communication, Public Relation, Technology, West Java Reginal Police