Examining the Role of TVET-Industry Partnership on the Acquisitions of EmployabilitySkills of Polytechnic Graduates in Oromia – AJHSSR

Examining the Role of TVET-Industry Partnership on the Acquisitions of EmployabilitySkills of Polytechnic Graduates in Oromia

Examining the Role of TVET-Industry Partnership on the Acquisitions of EmployabilitySkills of Polytechnic Graduates in Oromia

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper is examining the role of TVET-industry partnership on the acquisitionsof employability skills of polytechnic graduates. It highlighted the concept of Partnership, TVET-industrypartnership, and employability skills as perceived by college deans, trainers, employed TVET college graduates,and industry managers. A qualitative case study design was employed in this study utilizing the methods of indepth interviews and document review with key informants to provide data. The findings of study revealed,effective TVET-industry partnership highly contributes to the improvement of acquisitions of employabilityskills of polytechnic graduates provided that lack of initiative by TVET institutions and poor response from theindustries, lack of curriculum reviews as per the requirements of industry, lack of policy supported incentivemechanisms for industry in implementing effective TVET-industrypartnership were among the major challengesfacing the collaboration of TVET and industry,. Thus, to improve the acquisitions of employability skills ofpolytechnic graduates the researchers recommend that, the government should works on promoting TVETindustry partnership and other key stakeholders on the mutual benefits of TVET-industry partnership,formulate policy and strategy supported incentive mechanisms for industries, and the curriculum should bereviewed and updated to meet the constantly changing demands of the labour market.

Key Words: employability skills, industries, partnership