ABSTRACT: Green practices are a vital factor for every business industry all over the world. Due to manykinds of environmental pollutions and issues may arise for green practices in the world. On the other hand, thereare many challenges for a business entity to protect the environment with its operational activities and to controlits operational cost to enhance profitability. As per this study, the main objective is to identify the factors thataffect determining green HR practices on OCBE(Organization Citizenship behavior towards Environment).Under the specific objectives, effects of environmental performance, training and recruitment on OCBE wereconsidered. As per the research methodology, this study can be categorized under the positivism researchphilosophy, deductive research approach and survey strategy. The researcher has also identified data validityand data reliability of this study by focusing on KMO & Bartlett’s test and Cronbach Alpha Test. The researcherhas also used statistical analysis of correlation and Multiple regression analysis by using SPSS tool to find aproper solution for the research questions. As per the research findings, the researcher has identified a balancegender base, a young age group of sample members, and dissatisfied green HRM practices under thedemographic factors. However, the researcher has found positive feedback for green recruitments; hence, theorganization uses green recruitment practices under their green HRM activities. As per the correlation, analysisshows the significant impact of independent variables on the dependent variable. The researcher has identified anegative correlation between environmental performance and OCBE with a significant level, and there werenegative correlations between green recruitments with OCBE. Also, the researcher has identified a positivecorrelation between green training and OCBE. Therefore, the researcher can accept the entire alternativehypothesis with the impact of green HRM factors on OCBE. According to the recommendations, the researcherhas identified better waste management activities, develop protect and supply green activities, reduce thepurchase of non-renewable resources with proper guidance on environmental activities.
Keywords: environmental performance, recruitments, training, OCBE