ABSTRACT: Religion upholds the reality of an ultimate creator behind the actualization of everything that is inthe world including human beings. In other words, the entire human race has a common origin from religiousperspective. Even the Big Bang and Evolutionary Theories of Science do not negate this commonality. Racialdiscrimination is therefore man made. It is part of man‟s inhumanity to man not unconnected with mentalcognition of colour differences, social status, development, religious belief and political affiliation. It is aregrettable malady that has not done humanity any good. Today, we hear of White Supremacy, Black LivesMatter, the Jewish Holocaust, The Xenophobia in South Africa, Hausa/Igbo divide, etc. Beyond the limitationsand enmity imposed by racism, Christianity posits the equality of all races. Paul in his letters but especially inEphesians 2,11-16 teaches the oneness of all in Christ. This paper adopting exegetical lens argues that all humanbeings are equal. Its hermeneutical application exposes racism as a problem even in Nigeria. The researcher atthe end gives recommendations on the way forward.
KEY WORDS: Christianity, Racism, Discrimination, Human being, Equality