ABSTRACT: This study aims to analyze the role of job satisfaction in mediating the effect of job stress onturnover intention. This research was conducted at Hotel Puri Santrian Sanur, Denpasar. The sample of thisstudy was determined by the saturated sampling method, the number of samples used was 145 employees. Datacollection was carried out through interviews and questionnaires. The analysis technique used is descriptiveanalysis and path analysis, while to test the role of mediation, the single test technique is used. The results of theanalysis of this study indicate that 1) Job stress has a negative and significant effect on job satisfaction 2) Jobstress has a positive and significant effect on turnover intention 3) Job satisfaction has a negative and significanteffect on turnover intention. 4) The role of job satisfaction partially mediates the effect of job stress on turnoverintention. Based on the results of the analysis of this study, several suggestions were given, namely l) Hotel PuriSantrian conducted a survey or in-house interview with employees to find out their wants and hopes for thecompany. 2) Hotel Puri Santrian evaluates the amount of salary and expenses given to employees. Employeeswho work beyond the specified target or have done the job optimally, employees should be given bonuses orrewards as a form of appreciation to employees. 3) Hotel Puri Santrian provides more holiday schedules to suitthe workload of employees. The hope is that with appropriate holidays, employees can calm their thoughts andfeelings so that when they work they feel happy.
Keywords: job satisfaction, job stress, turnover intention.