The Effect of Ease of Transactions, Price and Perceived Usefulness on Customer satisfaction for Gopay’s Feature in Gojek Application – AJHSSR

The Effect of Ease of Transactions, Price and Perceived Usefulness on Customer satisfaction for Gopay’s Feature in Gojek Application

The Effect of Ease of Transactions, Price and Perceived Usefulness on Customer satisfaction for Gopay’s Feature in Gojek Application

ABSTRACT: The evolution of payment instruments continues to evolve from cash payment instruments to non-cash payment instruments such as electronic-based payment instruments. GO-PAY exists as an electronic payment instrument that aims to facilitate all non-cash transactions. The goal that service businesses want to achieve is the creation of customer satisfaction that is felt after the customer uses the services offered by the company and provides his / her feedback on the service. Several factors that can affect the level of customer satisfaction are ease of transactions, price, and perceived usefulness. This study aims to explain the effect of ease of transactions, price, and perceived usefulness on customer satisfaction on GO-PAY features on the GOJEK application.
The sample used was 100 people with probability sampling methods, especially purposive sampling. Data collection was carried out using a research instrument in the form of a questionnaire. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistical analysis and multiple linear analysis. The results of the study found that ease of transactions had a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction on the GO-PAY feature. This shows that the higher or better the ease of transactions that is given, the higher the level of customer satisfaction. Price has a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction with the GO-PAY feature. This means, the better
the price given, the higher the level of customer satisfaction. Perceived usefulness has a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction on the GO-PAY feature, which means, the better the perceived usefulness is given, the higher the level of customer satisfaction. Ease of transactions can be a reference in improving customer satisfaction. Price and perceived usefulness are the strongest factors affecting customer satisfaction, so it is advisable for GOJEK to always innovate to maintain and increase the level of customer satisfaction.
KEYWORDS: service, ease of transactions, price, perceived usefulness