Indonesian Press Institutional Law A Comparison Study In Malaysia And Vietnam Countries – AJHSSR

Indonesian Press Institutional Law A Comparison Study In Malaysia And Vietnam Countries

Indonesian Press Institutional Law A Comparison Study In Malaysia And Vietnam Countries

ABSTRACT: One of the mandates of the 1998 reform was to fundamentally change the political system, namely that all citizens and the state could establish a press company. The establishment of a press institution is no longer a crucial issue because the government has deregulated a regulation that eliminates the need to administer issuance business permits through Law Number 40 of 1999 concerning the Press. Economic globalization also provides an understanding that all state-owned press institutions, whether owned by the governments of Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam, need to increase their effectiveness and efficiency in their management, because all government-owned press are agents of development financed by their respective countries. This writing method is through descriptive, analytical, collecting all documents then conducting a comprehensive analysis. law as atool of social engineering, for the development of the Roscoe Pound. The result of this research is that all press belonging to the government of Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam are part
of state diplomacy with state funding. Therefore, the appointment of officials depends on the owners through different means from each country.
KEYWORDS: law, institutions, press, government