Interpersonal Analysis of Imran Khan’s speech: A Study Based on SFG – AJHSSR

Interpersonal Analysis of Imran Khan’s speech: A Study Based on SFG

Interpersonal Analysis of Imran Khan’s speech: A Study Based on SFG

ABSTRACT: The current study is inclined to analyse, from the standpoint of SFL, the speech of Imran Khan, the current Prime Minister of Pakistan, specifically dealing with the interpersonal meta-function of the speech on the Hallidayan Model. The study’s goal is to examine how language is used for communication. The text of Imran Khan’s speech, delivered at the World Government Summit in Dubai on February 10, 2019, is analysed in this study under the scope of interpersonal meaning; the source of the speech is study incorporated a mixed methodology of research: qualitative and quantitative to collect and analyse data from Imran Khan’s speech. The researchers considered the Mood system of the clauses in Imran Khan’s speech when analysing the propositional structure of his speech. As a result, the speech is divided into clauses (clause-complexes), with each clause analysed interpersonally. The mood system governs the fundamental structural characteristics of the sentence, such as whether the sentence chooses between Declarative, Interrogative, or Imperative forms. Declarative clauses naturally express statements, interrogative clauses express questions, and imperative clauses express commands. This study thoroughly elucidates the concept of mood and how readers require a solid understanding of the grammatical functions of language from traditional grammar to today. The research paper was formatted in APA Style Sixth Edition (American Psychological Association).
KEYWORDS : SFL, Interpersonal Meta-function, Mood System: Declarative, Interrogative and Imperative,
APA Format.