The Book-Making Process and Ideology of Buku Mojok Publisher – AJHSSR

The Book-Making Process and Ideology of Buku Mojok Publisher

The Book-Making Process and Ideology of Buku Mojok Publisher

ABSTRACT :This research is motivated by the lack of concern to publishers who play a role in producing literary works. This study aims to describe the production process of literary books carried out by the publisher of Buku Mojok and the ideology it contains. This research is a qualitative research by using field study methods. In analyzing the production process, sociology of literature is used, especially the sociology of literature, which discusses publishing. In formulating ideology, the ideological theory developed by Matrin Seliger is used. Based on the data analysis carried out, the process of producing literary books at the Buku Mojok publisher including
work of selecting and making books then distributing them. Second, the ideology of the Buku Mojok publisher is derived from six elements which conclude that the Buku Mojok publisher has an ideology as a literacyoriented publisher.
KEYWORDS: sociology of literature, publisher, literary book