Abstract: Managing and organizing Islamic education has its own challenges because society determines and expects quality at the same time. To achieve the desired goals, the improvement of the system in an institution is an important task, and efforts to manage and develop Islamic educational institutions are also a joint obligation and duty for Islamic education policy makers. Formulating the right strategy will affect the existence of Islamic educational institutions in the real world and their development needs. Therefore, leaders of Islamic education institutions must have the ability to read the tastes and needs of the community. In this way, Islamic education will be able to dominate the world of education in our society.In this research, it is hoped that new things can be found in managing Islamic education institutions based on distance learning in the era of disruption and including during this pandemic. The research method used in this research is to use qualitative research methods. Qualitative research methods are often called naturalistic research methods because the research is carried out in natural conditions. In the implementation of this study, researchers used a qualitative descriptive approach. Descriptive research is research that guides researchers to explore and photograph social situations as a whole, broadly and deeply. Data analysis was carried out inductively based on data obtained in the field.The discussion will focus on financial issues, human resources, curriculum, and infrastructure which are expected to produce quality education that remains high quality, maintains the characteristics of Islamic education and can keep up with the times.
Keywords: Islamic Education Management, Disruption, Pandemic