Constructs of Marital Stability among fishers in Kenya – AJHSSR

Constructs of Marital Stability among fishers in Kenya

Constructs of Marital Stability among fishers in Kenya

ABSTRACT: Marriage and counselling are based on social cohesion, values, behaviour and beliefs which are strongly associated with socio-cultural factors. The purpose of this study was to establish the level of marital stability among fishers in Siaya County of Kenya. This study was guided by Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory. The study used Mixed Methods Research, with a Convergent Mixed Research Design. The sample size of 99 married fisher were selected. Data was collected using interview schedule for married fishers. Reliability of the questionnaires was established through Cronbach’s alpha. Data were analysed using frequencies, percentages, and Chi-square analysis. The results indicated that majority of the marriage (56%) belonged under unsatisfied stable level of marital stability. The levels of marital stability differed by age, length in marriage, type of marriage and parenting status. From the findings, the study recommends couple’s communication enhancement, and marital counselling be put in place to help the fishers experience marital stability. Religious leaders and other stake holders to organise trainings, seminars and workshops to enhance marriage skills, religious beliefs and ethnic values. The study also recommends marital counselling should be enhanced and done at integrated level to help get solutions to marital problems and realize marital stability.
KEYWORDS: Fishers communities, Kenya, Marital stability, Marital happiness, Siaya, Religious beliefs, ethnic values