Syntactic Properties of the Main Attention Verbs Against Existing Data in Corpus Contemporary of American English – AJHSSR

Syntactic Properties of the Main Attention Verbs Against Existing Data in Corpus Contemporary of American English

Syntactic Properties of the Main Attention Verbs Against Existing Data in Corpus Contemporary of American English

ABSTRACT: This paper investigates further elaboration of syntactic properties of the main Attention verb.All data required for this study are taken in Corpus of Contemporary American English. This paper aims to (1)analyse the structure of sentences with omittable O slot in Attention verb at the level of sentence (2) extend theclassification of Tense and Aspect, (3) explore the complement clauses allowed filling the O slot in SyntacticProperties of Attention verb.The research is conducted through qualitative procedures by categorizing a certainconstruction of the sentences and interpreting certain context related to the data. The extended classificationresulted the expand of sentence classification as constituent part, the omission O slot is enriched not only insimple sentence but also in compound, complex, compound-complex sentence, fragment sentence and TOinfinitives.The application of tense and aspect are applied in various aspect which the omission O slot is mostlyfound in actual perpective and some in actual imperpective, previous perpective, previous imperpective andirrealis. The feature of complement clause in Attention verb has released special properties; That, WH, Modal(FOR) TO, Judgment TO and ING complement are allowed in some specific subtypes. In Complement clause,the that and WH complement clause are constituted in all verb types. Modal FOR TO is generally formed inSee-subtype, Show-subtype, Discover-subtype, Look-subtype (only in look (at), and Watch-subtype; JudgmentTO is found See, Show, Recognise subtype except in Witness, Look and Watch subtype. ING complementexists in all verb types except in Witness subtype.

KEYWORD: Syntactic Properties, Attention Verb, Clause, Sentence, Tense and Aspect.