ABSTRACT : Nurses like any other professionals are expected to participate in research studies since nursingis a science that is fast evolving. Research in nursing paves the way for high quality, evidence-based nursingcare. Findings from research highly informs quality nursing practice. Nursing practice needs to be researchbased; hence, it is worth commending that all nurses understand research techniques and designs and beinvolved in research. However, some bedside nurses are not aware of the relationship between research and thequality of care provided to patients. Such nurses need to be aware of the importance of research in nursing andget on board. There are different types of research designs and methods, and the type of design employed for aparticular study will determine the methods to be used for that study. Generally, the different types of studydesigns include experimental and non-experimental research designs which can be used according to the need toanswer many questions in the field of nursing. Thus, this paper gives an overview of research designs andmethods in order to provide novice nurses with the basics of research methodology. This istoensure that nurseshave an understanding of the research process and participate in research activities. This will in turn ensure thatquality care which is evidenced-based is rendered to all patients.
KEYWORDS: Nurses, research, research methods and techniques, evidenced-based care