ABSTRACT : This study aims to see the effect of (1) Organizational culture on the performance of employeesof the Regional Disaster Management Agency of Kerinci Regency (2) Job satisfaction on the performance of the employees of the Regional Disaster Management Agency of Kerinci Regency (3) Work experience on the performance of employees of the Regional Disaster Management Agency of Kerinci Regency (4) Organizational culture, job satisfaction and work experience jointly influence the performance of the Kerinci Regional DisasterManagement Agency employees. The population in this study are all employees Kerinci District Disaster Management Agencyas many as 95 people. The technique of determining the number of samples using totalsampling. The data analysis technique used multiple regression by fulfilling the requirements of the classicalassumption test of normality, and multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity. The results of this study indicate that(1)Organizational culture has a positive significant effect on the performance of the Kerinci Regional DisasterManagement Agency employees (2) Job satisfaction provide a positive influence on the performance of the Kerinci Regional Disaster Management Agency employees (3) Work experience provide a positive influence onthe performance of the Kerinci Regional Disaster Management Agency employees (4) Organizational culture,job satisfaction and work experience jointly have a positive effect on the performance of employees of theRegional Disaster Management Agency of Kerinci Regency.
Keywords -performance, organizational culture, job satisfaction, work experience