ABSTRACT :The main objective of this study is to better understand the phenomenon of Malagasy traditions,in particular the “vow to sacred places” and its intrinsic values among the Sojabe (Traditional Chief), notablesand village assemblies and also their relations with politicians in Madagascar, in a country where ancestraltraditions hold a prominent place in their social and organizational life. The study was conducted in differentsacred places in the Sofia region (Mandritsara district such as Ambodihazomamy, Mahalaigny, Marosely,Ambohimahavelona-Marotandrano, Marangibato; in the Befandriana North district such as Amboditsitondrognyand in the Bealanana district: Tsiakarantanagna), with 20 Sojabe, 200 notables and 300 village assemblies. Thegoal is to capture the respects and accomplishments of this vow, including the respect of Sojabe, was trulyhonored by politicians and the realization of the vow pronounced and its proportionality to the word given; andthe study wants to understand the confidence of the notables and the local populations towards the Elders andfinally, the research questions the continuity in the community studied to practice this tradition of a vow to thesacred place and its importance for them. To do this, the Sojabe were questioned on the major axes of thistradition, namely: the types of people who make a vow to the sacred place, the recognition of hasina amongMalagasy politicians. The nature of their wish was studied and we asked the question about the correctrealization of this wish and for what interest? common or personal. The confidence of notables and villageassemblies in the Sojabe has been verified. Finally, the question on the continuity of this community to practicethis vow ritual in the sacred place or not arose to better understand the system of current social and politicalregulation in this community. This study used a semi-directive questionnaire, composed of open and closedquestions. The survey data was processed using the Excel Statistical Analysis tool as a statistical tool. Theresults of this analysis show that most of the Sojabe interviewed answered that the category of the personmaking a vow at the sacred place varies, sometimes ordinary people or politicians, but the Sojabe found thatpolitical figures ignore the Hasina of this ritual; moreover, they all seek to succeed in politics while promisingdevelopment projects. Once his wish is realized, his interest is generally limited to their personal interest anddoes not conform to the promise. The reality shows that the notables and the village assemblies do not have totalconfidence in the Sojabe. Despite this, the communities studied have always defended themselves by saying thatthe practice of this tradition of “vows to sacred places” remains a source of social and political stability whichMalagasy people should highlight and not take as a tool of manipulation. social and political promise theimpossible.
Keywords :Respect, vow, sacred, social, Madagascar