The Effect of Work Environment, Work Discipline and Work Motivation on Performance of Employees in The Secretariat Regional People’s Representative Assembly West Sumatra Province – AJHSSR

The Effect of Work Environment, Work Discipline and Work Motivation on Performance of Employees in The Secretariat Regional People’s Representative Assembly West Sumatra Province

The Effect of Work Environment, Work Discipline and Work Motivation on Performance of Employees in The Secretariat Regional People’s Representative Assembly West Sumatra Province

ABSTRACT : on employee performance at the DPRD Secretariat of West Sumatra Province, the Secretariat ofthe DPRD of West Sumatra Province, the effect of work motivation on employee performance at the ProvincialDPRD Secretariat. West Sumatra. This research method uses descriptive quantitative research. The populationused in this study were all staff working in the secretariat of the DPRD of West Sumatra Province. Samplingwas done by simple random sampling method. The sample of this research is all staff who work in thesecretariat of the DPRD of West Sumatra Province as many as 30 people. The results showed that thesignificance value of the t-test on the work environment variable was 0.572 > 0.05, i.e.there was no significantrelationship between the work environment and employee performance. The significance value of the t-test forthe work discipline variable is 0.03 > 0.05, which means that there is a significant relationship between workdiscipline and employee performance. The significance value of the t-test for work motivation is 0.010 > 0.05which means there is a significant relationship between work motivation and employee performance.

KEYWORDS :Work Environment, Work Discipline, Motivation, Employee Performance