ABSTRACT : This study aimed to compare the reading performance on linear and non – linear texts of 140Grade 11 students of President Ramon Magsaysay State University during S.Y. 2018-2019. The study waslimited to the reading comprehension and analysis of ideas of students in reading and interpreting texts. Thereading texts of the respondents prepared by the researcher were used in this study and the analysis of theoutputs was used in the data gathering needed in this research work. The work text was evaluated by ten EnglishTeachers, as the teacher-respondents. The study revealed that the levels of reading performance of studentsbefore the intervention were rated as “did not meet expectation” in linear text and “fairly satisfactory” in non –linear text. The researcher developed a work text in the form of Non-Linear and Linear texts where teacherrespondents assessed it as “very valid” and “very usable” with the help of different indicators. The level ofreading of students in linear and non – linear text assessments after the intervention were both rated as“outstanding”. There is a significant difference on the level of reading performance of linear text readers andnon – linear text readers between the pre-test and post-test assessments. Based on the summary of theinvestigations conducted and the conclusions arrived at, the researcher offered the following recommendations;the use of Work text which provides more illustrations, graphic organizers, diagrams, and drawings is stronglyencouraged for better academic achievement and reading performance of students; the development of work textfor Non-Linear reading should be properly and carefully planned and the aesthetic principles are considered forthe appreciation of the readers; an in-service training especially for English teachers for capability buildingacross all courses in the development of work text is strongly recommended; and finally, a parallel or similarstudy with in-depth and wider scope so as to validate the findings obtained in the study should be conducted.
KEYWORDS: linear texts, non – linear texts, reading comprehension