ABSTRACT: Thei purposei of thisi studyi is to analyzei the directi effecti of Originali Locali Governmenti Revenuei, Regionali Expendituresi, and Investmenti on economici growthi, to analyzei the directi effecti of Originali Locali Governmenti Revenuei, regionali expendituresi, investmenti, and economici growthi on community welfarei, as well as to analyzei the rolei of economici growthi in mediatingi the effects of Originali Locali Governmenti Revenue, regionali expenditures, and investmenti in the community welfarei of the regency/city in the iBali. This studyi uses paneli datai with time-seriesi data for 8 yearsi from i2012-2019 and icross-sectioni data for 9 regency/cities in Bali Provincei so that the totali observationsi are 72 observationsi points. The data usedi is secondaryi data with the data collectioni method, namely non-participanti observation. The data collectedi was then analyzedi using descriptivei analysisi techniquesi and inferentiali analysisi techniquesi (path analysis). The resultsi showedi that Originali Locali Governmenti Revenuei and investmenti had a positivei and significanti effect on economici growthi, while regionali expendituresi had no significanti effecti on economici growthi; Originali Locali Governmenti Revenuei, investmenti, and economici growthi have a positivei and significanti effect on communityi welfare, while regionali expendituresi have a positive but not significanti effect on communityi welfare; and economici growthi mediatesi the effecti of Originali Locali Governmenti Revenuei and investmenti on the communityiwelafre, while economici growthi does not mediatei the effect of locali expendituresi on the communityi welfarei in Balii Province.
Keywords: community welfare, economic growth, original local government revenue, regional expenditures, investment.